About Art Psychotherapy

Art Therapy is a form of Psychotherapy. Working alongside the therapist, you will be invited to explore thoughts and feelings using art materials, as a means of visual communication.


Through this process, you will be supported to explore your early experiences and how these may be impacting your thoughts, feelings and behaviours in your current life. Creating imagery offers an alternative way of exploring difficult experiences you have faced, or are currently facing - it can often be too difficult to articulate our experiences verbally. It can also be a helpful form of therapy for those who are unable to access the talking therapies; for example young children or those with speech, language and communication needs.

The therapeutic relationship is integral to the Art Therapy process - by building a safe, secure and trusting relationship with your therapist, you will be supported to make sense of confusing or distressing feelings.

Although this is a creative experience, it does not require you to have any previous experience in art-making.